Friday, December 28, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mr R Monday Special: Amber Heard, Aquaman

Aquaman movie came out so Mster and I saw Into the Spiderverse yesterday. Fun story - very true to Miles Morales -- and super "amazing" animation.

Happy, merry, whatever you celebrate!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Comic Booker: Thor 151 cover

Yeah, I know Mondays are supposed to be Mr. R Special days, 
but the Browns won AGAIN, which means the world is officially 
upside down. Woo Hoo!!!

If the Brownies win the next three and the hated (not really) Steelers lose them and the Bad Browns lose two, we are in the playoffs Clev-burg!!!  

One must dream, right?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Katherine Langford, 13 Reasons Why, Hannah Baker

Watched the NetFlix series' first season. Tough to stomach, but worth it.

Great article in last week's Economist describing decreasing suicide rates almost everywhere on the planet, except, alas, for in the USA. 

If you live in the US and need help, call 800-273-8255, the national suicide prevention hotline to get help.