Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Tom Holland, Spidey Homecoming pencil

Spider-man Far From Home grosses more than a billion and Sony and
Disney can't agree how to jointly produce more Spidey movies? Wow.

 Let's face front, true believers, Peter Parker outside the Marvel Universe is like
LeBron James not being a Cavalier (oops bad simile, lol).

Get it figured out - fan boys want Spidey #3! Or #8. Whatever
number it is, it will make buku benjamins for everyone. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mr R Monday: Hannah Gross, The Sinner (Season 2)

Well, that was quite the wake-up call for Cleveland yesterday, wasn't it?

Hard to find any silver lining in that dark brown cloud of football ugliness.
Our punter did well? We, at least, lead the league in one category:  penalties?

It's only one game, but....

Enjoy your week!